What Are Weight Loss Injections?

Weight loss injectables are formulated with active ingredients, such as semaglutide and tirzepatide, to assist men and women with chronic weight management by regulating the appetite and feelings of hunger. Generally, the medications are self-injected once per week under the skin, most commonly in the abdomen or outer thigh area. Although the origin of many of these medications were used to treat type 2 diabetes, scientific studies have found positive efficacy for weight loss as well. For individuals who struggle with obesity—a highly prevalent, chronic, relapsing disease (1)—or are clinically overweight, these injectable drugs can be an effective non-surgical approach for excess weight concerns.

While a nutritious diet and regular exercise are still an essential part of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, the addition of weight loss injections can be life changing for those who have been unsuccessful at managing their condition with diet and exercise alone. Our board-certified Richmond plastic surgeon, Neil J. Zemmel, MD, offers prescription Ozempic®, Zepbound, Wegovy®, and Mounjaro® to qualified candidates who are interested in improving their weight loss efforts.

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What Are the Different Injectable Drugs for Weight Loss?

At Richmond Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Zemmel offers qualified candidates several injectable drug options for weight loss, including:

Ozempic® (semaglutide)

Although Ozempic® is only FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes at this time, it can also be used for off-label weight loss. The medicine works by increasing insulin production and sending signals to the brain that the stomach feels full, therefore causing patients to eat less.


Approved by the FDA for chronic weight management, Zepbound slows down the digestion process and helps the body process feelings of fullness that last longer, which should lead to reduced portions and less caloric intake over time.

Wegovy® (semaglutide)

Similarly, Wegovy® is also FDA-approved for weight loss and works by decreasing feelings of hunger and creating a sensation of fullness to enable patients to feel satisfied after eating smaller meals.

Mounjaro® (tirzepatide)

Type 2 diabetes patients can use Mounjaro® to regulate blood sugar levels (approved by the FDA for this purpose); however, clinical studies have found it to be highly effective for off-label weight loss as well.

During a personal consultation, Dr. Zemmel will conduct a thorough evaluation, review medical history, and discuss the unique needs and goals of the patient. This will help you make the best informed decision in choosing which medication will be the safest and most effective on an individual basis.

How Much Weight Can You Lose with Weight Loss Injections?

There are several variables to consider in terms of weight loss from injectables containing semaglutide and tirzepatide, such as the brand, dosage, how long the medication is taken, whether the patient has type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes to diet and exercise in combination with taking the medicine, and other factors. In general, studies have shown the following results for each medication:

It is important to note, the effects of these medications wear off once the patient stops receiving the injections. Therefore, a healthy diet and exercise program to maintain the weight loss results is essential to avoid regaining the weight that has been lost. Dr. Zemmel can discuss this further during the consultation, along with addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

How Can I Remove Excess Skin & Tissue After Major Weight Loss?

After significant weight loss, the skin is often stretched out and may lose a certain amount of elasticity, which can make it difficult to tighten to the body’s newly slimmer physique. This can cause excess folds of skin and/or loose, hanging skin in certain areas, such as the face, arms, trunk, abdomen, breasts, and thighs. In addition to the aesthetic concerns this can create, it can also lead to rashes and irritation, hygiene issues, ill-fitting clothing, and other concerns.

Fortunately, Dr. Zemmel is highly qualified in performing post-weight loss body contouring surgery to remove unwanted, excess skin and isolated pockets of fat. Some of the most common procedures include liposuction, abdominoplasty, breast reduction, and various “lifts” for the face and neck, breasts, lower body, arms, and thighs to achieve the sculpted, more contoured body shape desired.

Schedule Your Weight Loss Injectable Consultation

To learn more about weight loss injections and post-weight loss body contouring, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

Medical Resources

  1. Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism
  2. Drugwatch: Ozempic for Weight Loss
  3. Zepbound: What Is Zepbound
  4. Wegovy: Why Wegovy
  5. Healthline: Health Experts on Using Mounjaro for Weight Loss
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